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Two days of inspiring insights from industry leaders

This 2023 you found the best content, with new formats and new themes for you to enjoy a more complete conference programme.

We are already starting to work for our next edition, which will take place on 27th and 28th November 2024.

If you want to keep up to date with the latest news in your sector, don’t hesitate to come and visit us!

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One of the world's leading packaging experts will hold a Recyclability Workshop where we will discover all about the recycling cycle in different industrial fields and apply the best practices to carry it out.


Materials of the near future
Do you want to know more about the materials that will be used in packaging in the near future? This expert will inform you about the latest innovations in this field...

Want to know more? Stay tuned, WE WILL KEEP YOU INFORMED 📣

Halls that you could enjoy in 2023...



Sectoral trends sectoral trends in packaging. A meeting point to present the changes and trends affecting the packaging value chain.



Specific top-level speakers in the room co-organised by the brand organiser of the industry's most important design packaging awards.

Keynote Speaker 2023
Carlos Hernández, consultor and speaker

My personal packaging – Caring for and protecting my best product: myself
Empack Room – November 30 – 11:30-12:10h

PhD in Social Sciences. Master in HR, Master in Bereavement Intervention. Degree in Sociology and Journalism and Diploma in Social Work, he has consolidated his career in companies such as Hay Group or Pfizer, always in functions related to training and development.
With a creative and casual style, he has taught for more than 15 years, in Spain and Latin America, hundreds of courses and conferences on helping relationships, communication, motivation, resilience, social skills, emotional intelligence, creativity, etc. using both traditional methodology and experiential learning techniques.


Industry leaders offer you the latest innovations.

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Some speakers of 2023...

Congress 2022

Plan your visit to Empack Madrid with the confirmed contents. Come back to this page to keep up to date with the latest confirmations.

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Some of the experts who joined us for 2021

Some confirmed sessions 2022

Sala Empack
Arantza Madariaga, Directora en ELIKA Fundación Vasca para la Seguridad Agroalimentaria 

Presentación de la plataforma ONTZI

La ponencia pretende presentar ontzi | BASQUE FOOD PACKAGING Innovation Hub, una comunidad creada como lugar de encuentro entre los principales actores del sector alimentario, con el objetivo de encontrar soluciones e impulsar proyectos estratégicos que nos ayuden a transformar el envasado y embalaje de los alimentos y bebidas en Euskadi y hacer frente de forma competitiva a los nuevos retos y desafíos que se nos presentan. Todo ello, a través del impulso de la I+D+i que nos permitirá diseñar envases y embalajes alimentarios seguros, sostenibles y competitivos que beneficien a  las empresas de la cadena alimentaria vasca y además sean respetuosos con el medio ambiente.

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Sala Empack

Packaging comprometido, packaging transformador

A través del packaging, las marcas impactan de forma positiva en el entorno social construyendo un discurso potente que va más allá de la diferenciación. Este debería ser el objetivo de cualquier marca, sea cual sea su tamaño y sector. Presentamos Once upon a time, un proyecto promovido por Avery Dennison y Supperstudio donde buscamos mostrar el segmento Beauty desde un punto de vista innovador y comprometido: Compromiso con la sociedad revisando mensajes que construyan una convivencia más justa e igualitaria; Innovación al aplicar técnicas y acabados de última generación; Compromiso con el medio ambiente a través de materiales sostenibles. El objetivo principal de Once upon a time es inspirar a las empresas, diseñadores y creativos para construir marcas y productos con envases comprometidos y transformadores.

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The Empack 2023 congress in pictures

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