noticia perspecticas 2024 leer
Prospects and predictions for commercial and industrial printing in 2024

The march of digital printing is unstoppable. Studies show that this technology is becoming a growth driver as analogue printing becomes more and more obsolete. As we approach Drupa 2024, a year in which digital printing technology is booming compared to other printing methods, we remain very optimistic for the future, not least because experts such as Smithers say that sales of digital printing equipment are expected to overtake analogue for the first time in less than three years.

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Noticia Basque Food Cluster colabora un año más con Easyfairs
Easyfairs and the Basque Food Cluster renew their collaboration agreement for the second edition of Empack and Logistics & Automation Bilbao. The only meeting point for packaging, logistics and transport professionals in the Basque Country.

The retail sector faces one of the most challenging periods in its history in 2024. Not only because of structural changes around the world, but also because of the emergence of challenges arising from new technologies capable of improving both its situation and the experience of its own customers.

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