Induser, full steam ahead from Almeria to pack for the 5 continents

In the west of Almeria, industrial companies have also been born and grown, innovating with their own technology to manufacture machinery that is exported all over the world. Induser, which will be twenty years old in 2024, has among its clients large corporations that produce and pack fruit and vegetables in countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan, France, Mexico and Peru.
Its motto is We are packaging ingenuity. From the west of Almeria, they have shown that it is possible to create and export highly competitive industrial engineering to transform packaging into a process that is both delicate and fast. Induser celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024 and its products are not tomatoes, peppers, blueberries or kiwis, but machines and weighing and packaging systems that are used not only by many important Andalusian agri-food companies but also by other companies in 20 countries on 5 continents. Its scope of action as an export company is geographically much wider than perishable foodstuffs transported by lorry.

Induser already has 60 people on its staff today, and in 2023 it reached a turnover of 11.5 million euros, of which 60% comes from its sales and activity with customers outside Spain. Last February, in Berlin, during their participation in Fruit Logística, the most important business fair in the world for the fresh food industry, they presented their new multi-purpose weigher model for thick or thin produce, integrating automatic weighing and packaging of high yields of fruit such as blueberries in multi-format tubs.

Scaling up to packing 120 tubs per minute
To give an example of the rates and volumes they service with their machinery (the containers are supplied to the agricultural companies by other suppliers), a cherry tomato packer using half-kilo containers fills about 120 tubs per minute with a single machine. That means packing around 3,500 kilos of tomatoes per hour. Induser’s customers range from the smallest with only one packaging line to the giants with more than 30 simultaneous lines and an average of 20 million tubs per day.

The four founding partners of Induser are Elvis Moreira, who acts as general manager; Pedro Martínez, as commercial director; Carlos Villegas, as financial director; and Juan Martos as director of engineering and innovation. Elvis and Carlos are from El Ejido, Pedro from Almeria and Juan from Albox. Its headquarters, which includes offices and factory, are located in the La Redonda Industrial Estate, in the municipality of Santa María del Águila.


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