7 out of 10 Spaniards are already in the habit of recycling and reusing packaging.

According to ALPLA‘s study “Environmental awareness and perceptions about plastic”, 8 out of 10 Spaniards would be willing or very willing to take measures to reduce the impact of their carbon footprint.

ALPLA, a company dedicated to the development and manufacture of innovative packaging solutions that are committed to the circular economy, has celebrated in Madrid the presentation of THE NON-EXISTENT SHOP; the first online shop that sells products made with plastics “that leave no footprint”.

During the presentation of this initiative, the results of the ALPLA study “Environmental awareness and perceptions about plastic”, carried out by the Metroscopia Institute, were presented. The study aims to investigate the habits of consumers in terms of sustainability and their interest in contributing to reducing CO2 emissions.

Roberto Gavilán, spokesperson for ALPLA Spain, explained the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling to prevent packaging from ending up in the environment, such as that of these Spanish entrepreneurs who have created products that take advantage of this waste to reconvert it and which can be purchased through The NON-EXISTENT SHOP website. This initiative is in line with the company’s commitment to the circular economy and the need for zero-footprint consumption.

For his part, David Rojo, expert analyst at the Metroscopia Institute, highlighted the main conclusions drawn from the study, among which the following stand out:

7 de cada 10 españoles reutiliza y recicla
  • In terms of environmental awareness, Spain is a society motivated to contribute to reducing its carbon footprint, as 82% of Spaniards would be willing or very willing to take measures to reduce their impact. Recycling and using public transport are the most prominent actions to mitigate the carbon footprint among those who are aware of how to reduce it.
  • Among the main habits of Spaniards to reduce their carbon footprint, for 7 out of 10 the main habit is to reduce the amount of waste, reuse and recycle. This is followed by more environmentally friendly mobility (55% say they use public transport, or travel by bicycle or on foot) and a commitment to responsible consumption (47%). Meanwhile, 39% carry out actions aimed at saving energy.
  • With regard to the perception of plastic in general, half of Spaniards recognise that plastic is a necessary material for people’s daily lives and very difficult to replace.
  • Regarding citizens’ ideas about the responsible use of plastic, 79% of Spaniards recognise that preventing plastics from reaching the environment and causing damage should be the responsibility of each individual.

The Non-Existen shop
The presentation event The Non-Existen shop had different exhibitors where some of the recycled and recyclable products were physically displayed through the online shop, such as…

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