Redesign of packaging and smart use of plastic, when necessary

– Redesign: There are different options of plastic materials and combinations of them that can solve the same need or “problem”, but not all are equally sustainable. Designers and brands most of the times do not know much about it, and if they knew, they would be able to “redesign” their packaging products accordingly.

– Wise use of plastic: The point here is that “plastic” by itself is not the real problem. The problem is the way we use it, the types we use and what we do with it when we discard packaging after use. There is no alternative to plastic materials for many applications, so in the meantime we discover something better, learning how to have a wiser use of the current plastic materials available is key.

– When needed: in some occasions, a plastic material is not the best option, but in others it is (and for those there are some alternatives more eco-friendly than others).

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