New technology to manage traceability of reusable packaging on a large scale

trazabilidad de envases reutilizables a gran escala

In order to promote the traceability of reusable packaging on a large scale, a consortium of entities is developing the ‘Track & Trace Reuse‘ project, whose objective is to manage the traceability and control of the use of industrial packaging through a collaborative digital system in a more viable and sustainable way.

In the words of Jesús Pérez, director of the Packaging Innovation Cluster, coordinator of this initiative, the “traceability of packaging is one of the key points of the new Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste”. The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (MINCOTUR).

It is an innovation of Heura Gestió Ambiental, together with the company Nettrim Technology and Cluster TECNARA of Aragon, whose aim is “to achieve a complete digitalisation of our service of development of models of reuse of packaging, which responds to an important need of the companies and which is going to mean an advance in this field”, explains José Guaita, President of Heura Gestió Ambiental.

This solution is based on information technologies to provide the different actors involved in the life cycle of packaging with all the facilities to ensure the traceability and control of these through an advanced tracking system, making use of the “latest development technologies for web applications and with the security and robustness of a cloud-based infrastructure,” says Francisco Mir, CEO of Nettrim Technology, a company of the ÂTTRIM Impact Technology Group, which is responsible for the technological development of the system.

Collaborative ecosystem

The ‘Track & Trace Reuse’ proposal is that of …

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